Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Would you have a nervous breakdown if you lost your favorite fondue pot?

There would be no bubbly goodness for you.Would you have a nervous breakdown if you lost your favorite fondue pot?
yes, indeed

no. just go buy another one.Would you have a nervous breakdown if you lost your favorite fondue pot?

W hat's a fondue pot? Something you smoke?
yeah, if i lost anything that was close to me or my favorite i would freak out and look and look and look
No. You can find one practically at any garage sale.
No, I would not. I would just buy another one.
Oh totally. They'd have to tie me down and put me on tranquilizers.

What's a fondue pot?
I would be upset, but I would just go out buy another one and brake that one in.
No, it went out in the yard sale.

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